Legendary rockers return to Glasgow with a five-star performance

The buzz of conversation grew, as the crowd, taking their seats, waited in anticipation for the return of Fleetwood Mac at The Hydro.
The iconic outfit returned to Glasgow almost four years after their last visit, and proved to be as incredible as ever. Without further ado they launch into ‘Second Hand News’, closely followed by classic songs ‘The Chain’ and ‘Dreams’.
Fleetwood Mac seem just as excited as the audience, with Lindsey Buckingham jumping around the stage like a man half his age.
Coincidentally, it just happens to be Lindsey’s 64th birthday, and the crowd takes the chance to sing ‘Happy Birthday’, to which he responds with “don’t remind me”.
Stevie Nicks is also on top form, and her captivating stage presence makes the show a joy to watch. Her voice perfectly harmonious with Lindsey’s, she moves around the stage, at times spinning around on the spot, but never standing still for a second.
As well as old songs, the band treats the audience to something new, debuting a song ‘Sad Angel’, much to the crowd’s delight.
At one point, an appreciating fan throws her underwear onstage, leading an amused Mick Fleetwood to say “I feel like Rod Stewart up here, goodness me.”
One of the highlights of the evening is undoubtedly the performances of ‘Go Your Own Way’ and ‘Don’t Stop’, where the thousands of people singing along almost drown out the band. Gazing around and seeing so many people gathered together for the music is an enchanting experience, and the musicians take full advantage of the electric atmosphere in Glasgow’s newest music venue.
Fleetwood Mac are on top form and make the evening a night to remember; the audience fully aware of how much they are appreciated by the band, and by the reaction of the audience, the feeling is entirely mutual.
Gillian Thomson / Edinburgh Journal / Wednesday, October 16, 2013