Stevie Nicks 1981
(Chris Walter/Getty Images)
Home » Kind of Woman: ‘She matters to you…’

Kind of Woman: ‘She matters to you…’

For Track No. 2, Stevie Nicks delved deep into her back catalog for “Kind of Woman,” a composition that dated back to the mid-1970s. In the song, Nicks confronted the infidelity in her romantic partner, pointedly addressing the temptation as the “kind of woman that’ll haunt you.” Although the completed 1981 track took on a less somber tone than the original demo, the weight of Nicks’ moral convictions — affirmed with a series of compelling vocal runs — remained undiminished.

Album Version

Piano Demo

Courtesy of Street Angel



Stevie Nicks

SEP 24
Van Andel Arena
Grand Rapids, MI

SEP 28
Hersheypark Stadium
Philadelphia, PA