Scroll down for videos, photos, the set list, fan reaction, and transcripts of Stevie’s stories!
On Friday night, Stevie performed at the BB&T Center in Sunrise, FL (about 10 miles northwest of Ft. Lauderdale), the sixth show of the 24 Karat Gold Tour.
The tour now heads northwest to Atlanta, where Stevie will perform at Philips Arena on Sunday night.
Stevie shortened the set list at this show, dropping “Annabel Lee.”
Much thanks and love to Allen B, hartsfelder and hejiranyc for filming and sharing these wonderful videos!
Gold and Braid (hartsfield)
Stop Draggin’ My Heart Around feat. Chrissie Hynde (hartsfelder)
“Chrissie Hynde from The Pretenders, my goodness! We’re some lucky girls up here.”
Belle Fleur (hartsfelder)
Belle Fleur (hejiranyc)
“This next song was one of many that was supposed to go on Bella Donna. It was about, it was the story of a rock and roll girl, who had a boyfriend and had to leave and say goodbye on a like year tour. It’s always hard to do — happens all the time. It’s never fun because, uh, it’s always hard to leave somebody behind. They’re not crazy about that idea, and really neither are you. So anyway, this is a song that I wrote all those many years — probably 1980, 81 — about that, and it’s called Belle Flower… ‘Belle Fleur’… Blue Flow-… Blue Flower… ‘Belle Fleur’!”
“Thank you!”
Outside the Rain / Dreams (Allen B)
Wild Heart / Bella Donna (hartsfelder)
Enchanted (hartsfelder)
New Orleans (hartsfelder)
New Orleans (hejiranyc)
“Thank you.”
Starshine (hartsfelder)
“This next song was written probably in around 1980 in Tom Petty’s basement. And I know somehow that you all wished that you had been there. And I wanted to be there so I can understand that.
I would arrive at Tom’s house with my Hershey Chocolate powder, just in case I needed a glass of chocolate milk. I know, does that sound ridiculous? But it’s true, and my guitar, and who played guitar? I had really long nails then too, so he’d go like, ‘Are you moving in?’ And I would go, ‘Well, kinda. I’m here for the day.’ And, um, so we went down to the little studio in his basement, and I played this song, and as the day went by, the rest of the Heartbreakers kind of straggled in, and Tom says, ‘I think that’s a good song, Stevie.’ And I’m like, ‘Thank you!’
And so we recorded it, and it came out great, and it was a real Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers’ track. And but just me sang, he didn’t sing, and um, at just then, I left with my cassette and so it just went into ‘The Vault’ with so many other songs, and there is has stayed until I did 24 Karat Gold a year and a half ago, two years ago. And so anyway, it’s uh, I’m so glad that some of these songs actually are here to be new for me now because otherwise they’d just be old, but now they’re new. I get confused about… So anyway, it’s called ‘Starshine'”
Moonlight (A Vampire’s Dream) (hejiranyc)
“For those of us who live in the world of the Twilight stories — which I do — that song was the whole reason that I even did In Your Dreams because I had given up, pretty much, on doing a record from Trouble in Shangri-La because I thought there’s no reason to. People don’t buy records anymore, it’s not, you know. So I didn’t for nine years and then I went to Brisbane (Australia) with Fleetwood Mac, and I saw the first two Twilight movies. And the second movie really really got me, took me back to something that I had happened to me a long time ago, and I sat down at the piano and I wrote ‘Moonlight’. When I was done with it, I said to my assistant (Karen Johnston) I’ma have to make a record because I can’t just put ‘Moonlight’ out by itself — ‘Moonlight’ by Stevie Nicks! So I’ma have to wrap a record, wrap the arms of a new record around this song in order to do this to give this song to the people because it’s really, it’s really my favorite song, pretty much, of all time. So thank you. I’m glad that you liked it. I’m so…that makes me so happy. Thank you, really, thank you so much.”
Stand Back (hartsfelder)
Stand Back (Allen B)
Crying in the Night (Allen B)
Crying in the Night (hartsfelder)
“Well, this next song is the oldest song that we actually have on record, and this will make you laugh, so. In 1973, Lindsey and I made a record called Buckingham Nicks. But in 1971, we drove down to Los Angeles in Lindsey’s Skylark beauty, and were lucky enough to meet Waddy Wachtel. And there started a wonderful musical relationship where we worked for, it seemed, like years and years. In retrospect, it probably wasn’t years and years and years; it was a couple of years. And we made the record Buckingham Nicks out at Sound City — “the famous Sound City.” And this song was gonna be the single off the Buckingham Nicks record, which was released by Polydor and then dropped three months later, and we were heartbroken because we thought — we all thought — that we’d made the best record that we were ever gonna make in our life. And it really was a really good record so we kinda had to… We didn’t know…have any idea of what to do at that point. But the single was gonna be this next song we’re going to do for you. We’re not sure that this single actually ever even let out. But we always felt that it was like the single. And it’s a very strange little song so you’ll have to… After this, you’ll have to listen to the words of it, try to figure out what at 21-22-years old, what the hell I was writing about when I wrote this song because it’s very intriguing. Anyway, it’s called ‘Crying in t he Night’ from the Buckingham Nicks album, and there you go.”
If You Were My Love (hartsfelder)
Gold Dust Woman (hartsfelder)
Edge of Seventeen (hartsfelder)
Edge of Seventeen (Allen B)
“Thank you so much, everybody, um. This is like our 6th show, and this has been so wonderful. It’s like, the set is settling in. It’s moving faster for me, and I’m getting my sea legs up here, and you guys are doing that. So it’s like, what you give to me, I get to give back. So thank you so much. You’ve been awesome. And we’ll see you again, we’ll be back to Florida, no time lost. Much love, take care of yourselves, be well. I’m speechless, thank you.”
Rhiannon / Leather and Lace (hartsfelder)
“So the interesting thing about that song is that old witch Rhiannon, she has been in every step we’ve ever done since 1975. You just can’t get rid of her. She just puts her wings on and flies in and takes over my world…sometimes.”
Leather and Lace (Allen B)
“So this next song, um, it’s funny, kinda. In 1976, I was going out with Don Henley, and he was my first boyfriend after Lindsey. And I got a call from Waylon Jennings and Jessi Colter, and they were doing a record, and they wanted me to write a song called ‘Leather and Lace.’ And they wanted it to be about the fact that they were this married couple and they were like making it as a married couple in the business, and that was hard in 1976. It’s hard now. It’s hard always to be part of a couple in music. So I said, ‘OK, I’m up for that challenge. I will take it on.’ So I did, and I said, ‘I’ll do it, I’ll do it.’
So I started writing this song and I would, and Don was, you know, he was around, and I didn’t want him to like help me write it because I wanted to write it. But at the same time, I respected him so much because he like in The Eagles, and I’d only been in Fleetwood Mac for a year at that point so, a year before that I was like a cleaning lady and I’m in a beautiful apartment and Don Henely’s just around so I’m like going like, ‘What do you think, Don? Is it good? And he’s like, ‘Not really. Um, it’s got soul, a little bit. It’s coming, but no.’ So I’d go back and I’d start over and I’d try it again and I’d go to play it again and I’d say, ‘Is this better? And he’d be like, ‘Well, it’s better, but it’s not there yet.’ So I’d go back to my bedroom and sit on the bed and I’d play again and I’d like write, you know, and I’d come out and say, ‘What do you think about this?’ I’d play it again, and one day, it was not a few days, it was like two weeks, and one day he said, ‘It’s good.’ And I said breathlessly, ‘So we’re done?’ And he said, ‘We’re done.’ And I said, ‘OK!’
So I sent it off to Waylon and Jessi, and I was very proud of myself because people don’t usually say that, I want you to write a song about a certain thing. It’s like, tell me what to do. So I was so excited, and then I find out that Jessi and Waylon are splitting up. And I’m like, ‘Well, that’s not gonna work for me.’ So I called up Waylon Jennings, and I tell him, ‘You guys can’t do the song.’ And he’s like, ‘Why?’ And I said, ‘Because you’re splitting up and this song is about not splitting up. And I really spent a lot of time and I got a lot of advice from Don Henley from the Eagles so I need you to give me back my song.’
So anyway, so they didn’t do it, and I said to Don, ‘If I ever have a solo career, which I probably never will, but if I ever do, would you sing this with me?’ And he said, ‘Of course, I will.” And so, you know, premonition 1976 to 1981, Don and I sang it. So we’re gonna it for you tonight, and we’re gonna do it the way, because obviously we couldn’t just take Don Henley on the road with us, so the girls had to do it by, we had to do it by ourselves. So this was the way that we first presented it to the world, um, in person, and uh so it’s interesting because it’s not a duet now, it’s a trio. So here it is, ‘Leather and Lace.'”
Final Comments
“I guess I don’t have to you that you have been an AWESOME, AWESOME Floridian audience! Because you have and like I said before, you give that to us, we try to give it back to you — it’s a real exchange. So thank you everyone. Stay safe, don’t watch TV, just put on your music and get in the car and drive up and down the coast. Think good things, pray for peace, change the world, you can do it! I love you. You are awesome! Good night!”
Set List
- Gold and Braid
- If Anyone Falls
- Stop Draggin’ My Heart Around (with Chrissie Hynde & Waddy Wachtel)
- Belle Fleur
- Outside the Rain/Dreams
- Wild Heart/Bella Donna
- Annabel Lee (dropped from set)
- Enchanted
- New Orleans
- Starshine
- Moonlight (A Vampire’s Dream)
- Stand Back
- Crying in the Night
- If You Were My Love
Band introductions - Gold Dust Woman
- Edge of Seventeen
Encores - Rhiannon
- Leather and Lace
Loved watching @StevieNicks in Fort Lauderdale on the 24K Gold Tour. The Goddess of Rock & Rock. #WomenWhoRock pic.twitter.com/g9PCdkMJzX
— Mike Pancier Photo (@MAP_Photography) November 5, 2016
I've been to over 300 concerts and @StevieNicks & @ThePretendersHQ tonight @thebbtcenter is EASILY one of the top five. #SeveralLEGENDS
— hartsfelder (@hartsfelder) November 5, 2016
@StevieNicks on stage @TheBBTCenter @Rock_Hall Goddess pic.twitter.com/O3qdjz5SHp
— Orlando Alzugaray (@BigOShow) November 5, 2016
Rhiannon! @StevieNicks pic.twitter.com/1g1piHe4Rk
— Andrew Weinstein (@Weinsteinlaw) November 5, 2016
Stevie Nicks – Moonlight pic.twitter.com/mF9UBmSq3s
— Alex Navarro, Esq. (@AlexNavarro7) November 5, 2016
DREAMS. pic.twitter.com/HuckLUctPV
— BB&T Center (@thebbtcenter) November 5, 2016
stevie nicks is 68 years old and #hawt. pic.twitter.com/OCI9s6kwB0
— fart. (@SandyLuria) November 5, 2016
Stevie Nicks IS enchanted! pic.twitter.com/k5LSFY7Okl
— Alex Navarro, Esq. (@AlexNavarro7) November 5, 2016
watching stevie nicks is definitely exactly what it feels like when u walk into heaven
— dabucinno (@theenvyadams) November 5, 2016
When two rock goddesses take the stage. Chrissie Hynde + Stevie Nicks? pic.twitter.com/I8YqKh3f11
— Larisa Casillas (@Lari_casillas) November 5, 2016
Stop Dragging My Heart Around – @StevieNicks & @ChrissieHynde pic.twitter.com/SJ3FvZMygv
— Andrew Weinstein (@Weinsteinlaw) November 5, 2016
The legendary @StevieNicks. ⭐️ pic.twitter.com/urTa0SnVu7
— BB&T Center (@thebbtcenter) November 5, 2016
Stevie Nicks is here! pic.twitter.com/52JICj2uPI
— Alex Navarro, Esq. (@AlexNavarro7) November 5, 2016
@StevieNicks has arrived @thebbtcenter Lord help us. pic.twitter.com/0WTVEIWrL6
— hartsfelder (@hartsfelder) November 5, 2016
"I am 68 years old and I'm going to do MY songs," #StevieNicks says about her fresh set list on 24K Tour @thebbtcenter. @StevieNicks pic.twitter.com/ZE1Eg2Kixh
— Howard Cohen (@HowardCohen) November 5, 2016
Awaiting QUEEN Stevie Nicks! pic.twitter.com/PI2pY8JCcY
— Alex Navarro, Esq. (@AlexNavarro7) November 5, 2016