On Thursday night, Stevie Nicks performed at Viejas Arena at Aztec Bowl on the campus of San Diego State University — the 32nd show of the 24 Karat Gold Tour.
Stevie felt like it was a homecoming because she had recently spent a lot of time in San Diego, between the holidays and being with her niece Jessica for the birth of Jessica’s baby.
Hello, San Diego! Well, I feel a little bit like I’ve come home. I spent from the 19th of December ’til the 3rd of January here for Christmas with my family — they all came here this year. And then I came back because of my niece Jessi this year, she had a baby. So we came back on like the 12th, and she had her little boy on Martin Luther King Day, the 16th. So I spent a lot of time in San Diego over the last month and a half.
Stevie humored the crowd by joking about the unusually cold San Diego weather.
Who knew San Diego could be so cold? I thought it was like Hawaii, California, right? No, it’s bitter freezing cold, but pretty.
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Thanks and much love to Richard Browning, Erik Fish, Pixel Perfect Images, redrumastrid, and U-T Entertainment for sharing these pictures.)

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Thanks and much love to AnchntQueen, Richard Browning, Nobby Coburn, Mark Drakk, Dirty Radio, Rogelle Keller, Millerviller, Valerian Productions, and Shawn White for sharing these videos.
Gold and Braid / If Anyone Falls / Stop Draggin’ My Heart Around (Dirty Radio)
[jwplayer mediaid=”378507″]Hello, San Diego! Well, I feel a little bit like I’ve come home. I spent from the 19th of December ’til the 3rd of January here for Christmas with my family. They all came here this year. And then I came back because of my niece Jessie this year, she had a baby. So we came back on like the 12th, and she had her little boy on Martin Luther King Day, the 16th. So I spent a lot of time in San Diego over the last month and a half. Who knew San Diego could be so cold? I thought it was like Hawaii, California, right? No, it’s bitter freezing cold, but pretty.
So this show…this show is not the Stevie Nicks show, the quintessential Stevie Nicks show, that you’ve seen a million times because I have done that same show a million times — I’m tired of it, so I have moved on! When you’re as old as me, it’s like, why not? So I said, ‘Let’s do something different.’ So I went back through my… all my old demos that I loved, and for whatever my reasons, did not go on records because, mostly because, I didn’t like the way they were done and so I said at the last minute, ‘I’m taking that song back.’ And so I had all these wonderful songs that I always wanted to play on stage. So anyway, this is a journey, it’s a trip, and so I ask you to come with me. Let’s go!
If Anyone Falls (Nobby Coburn)
Stop Draggin’ My Heart Around (Millerviller)
Stop Draggin’ My Heart Around (Rogelle Keller)
Belle Fleur (AnchntQueen)
Gypsy (Millerviller)
Gypsy (Richard Browning)
Bella Donna (partial) (Shawn White)
Bella Donna cape story / Enchanted (partial) (Shawn White)
My mom, if she were here today, she would say, ‘Stevie, that was a very good choice of fabric because you know silk chiffon is what they make boat sails from, which means it will last forever. And you’ll never have to get another one.’ And she was totally right. There’s not one thread that’s gone from this — it’s perfect. So that’s my little endearing story of my mom. Thank you, Barbara!
Starshine (Mark Drakk)
Moonlight (A Vampire’s Dream) (Valerian Productions)
Stand Back (Rogelle Keller)
Stand Back (Millerviller)
Stand Back (Richard Browning)
Gold Dust Woman (Rogelle Keller)
Gold Dust Woman (Millerviller)
Edge of Seventeen (Shawn White)
We give you back what you give us, you know? You give us your heart and your soul, then we try to throw it right back at you like a magical…and it’s so great. For me, it’s so great to be able to stand up here and do these more unfamiliar songs and be able to tell you the stories and really but myself it’s like writing a book, you know? And I’m never gonna write a book, so this is as close to actually writing my history as I’m ever probably going to get. And so anyway, it was really such a beautiful night and you made it that way. It’s all your fault. So take care of yourselves, we’ll be back for sure, and I love you… Thank you so much.
Rhiannon (Millerviller)
Landslide (Millerviller)
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Review Stevie Nicks and her stories at Viejas Arena (Leslie Hackett, San Diego Union-Tribune)
There’s a fine line that separates telling stories between songs and letting the music speak for itself. Last night at Viejas Arena, Stevie Nicks was on the wrong side of that line. When you go to a Stevie Nicks concert, it’s her captivating, raspy singing voice — the one that has been reeling in fans for nearly 50 years — you want to hear most of all. And that’s not what happened Thursday night. Read the full review.
Return of the Gold Dust Woman (Meghan Roos, San Diego Reader)
Nicks’s voice is remarkably similar to the pure, gravelly vocals that graced her debut solo record nearly 36 years ago. The stadium cheered as Nicks sang and narrated her songs, especially when the time came to end the more than two-hour-long set with a “Landslide” encore. Read the full review.
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So @nessss21 and I are at a @StevieNicks concert and she's perfect and we're dying
— Miranda Smith (@mirandaaleahay) March 3, 2017
stevie nicks just explained that twilight is the entire inspiration for in your dreams suddenly i'm SO much gayer
— ethan (@ehhthan) March 3, 2017
Wow. @StevieNicks @StevieNicksInfo pic.twitter.com/kEOx5K1ISR
— GiftsOftheWyrd (@WyrdGifts) March 3, 2017
Awesomly blessed to be at an @StevieNicks concert in san diego! Awesome. Love Stevie. Thank you! @StevieNicksInfo pic.twitter.com/RkgwDiePXw
— GiftsOftheWyrd (@WyrdGifts) March 3, 2017
@StevieNicks – in San Diego!! You are AWESOME AND AMAZING thank you!!! With @MissMissDarla1 pic.twitter.com/MMygln6drv
— John Hyatt (@jhyatt100) March 3, 2017
'You get great songs out of great tragedy' @StevieNicks
— farolito (@Luzyselalc) March 3, 2017
Stevie Nicks San Diego! https://t.co/o1doCYLdI2
— tltooley (@iamttree) March 3, 2017
Pretenders live in San Diego. Oh so good! Up next Stevie Nicks https://t.co/nwFPgeHUFi
— Erik Naso (@ErikNaso) March 3, 2017