Stevie Nicks performs tonight on The Tonight Show. She last appears on the show last April when she participated in a parody cover skit for "Stop Draggin' My Heart Around."
Home ยป ‘Edge of Seventeen,’ Rumours sales surge after Tonight Show performance

‘Edge of Seventeen,’ Rumours sales surge after Tonight Show performance

(Photo: NBC)

Following Stevie’s April 9th performance of her classic 1981 hit “Edge of Seventeen (Just Like the White Wing Dove),” digital sales of the single surged 178%, according to Billboard Magazine. For the week-ending April 13, the single sold 5,000 copies.

Stevie’s performance also fueled sales of Fleetwood Mac’s 1977 album Rumours, which experienced a 29% sales increase, shooting up from #187 to #132 in the album’s 175th week on the Billboard album chart.

Fleetwood Mac Rumours
