Stevie re-records ‘Gypsy’ for Netflix drama

Stevie has recorded a brand new version of her Fleetwood Mac classic “Gypsy” for the Netflix thriller of the same name, starring Naomi Watts.
Read the story behind the new version at EW.

Category - Mirage (1982)

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Fleetwood Mac: Mirage

FORMULA, BEATS-per-minute, ahhh. Fleetwood Mac really do have a lot of honour for folks with such a pile of cash. Coming after this line-up’s eponymous breakthrough platter and the sullen beauty of Rumours, the double...

Fleetwood Mac: Mac attack

Mirage is the title of the brand new Fleetwood Mac LP and Christine McVie, as one of the English part of the band has been dispatched straight to London with a rough cassette of the work to play for sundry hacks. And I...