Home ยป (ABSTRACT) Pie in your eye: Or mousse in the mug

(ABSTRACT) Pie in your eye: Or mousse in the mug

Abstract: The article focuses on the event at Club La Serre in celebration with the appearance of the rock band Fleetwood Mac in Washington, D.C. The event was attended by about 200 guests which include Chip Carter, John Brademas, and Senators Dick Clark and Alan Cranston, as well as political aspirants like Yvonne Burke and Bill Bradley. Also, Hamilton Jordan, a White House aide, was in the event and was thrown with a bowl of chocolate mousse by an unidentified guest.

FLEETWOOD Mac (Performer)
BRADEMAS, John, 1927-2016
CLARK, Dick, 1929-2012
CRANSTON, Alan MacGregor, 1914-2000
JORDAN, Hamilton

TIME Magazine (Vol. 112 Issue 7, p15-15. 1/6p.) / August 14, 1978
