Fleetwood Mac
Home » November 16th, 2003 – Kiel, Germany, Ostseehalle

November 16th, 2003 – Kiel, Germany, Ostseehalle

Today’s Theme: Scary Alien-Like Fish

I am in love with Kiel Germany. Kiel is in the Northern most part of Germany, and it’s right on the water. Needless to say, it’s bone chilling cold here and the wind is not helpful either. But I love this city. It’s beautiful. We were lucky enough to have two days off here. I spent the first day off walking around in what could best be described as the Times Square of Kiel. It’s obviously not as massive as Times Square, but it has the same busy feel and lots of shopping. The streets are cobblestone and mostly closed to cars, it’s just charming. We went to a German restaurant for dinner, I’m pretty much a vegetarian, but when they brought the guys, food to the table, I have never seen so much carnage in my life. It was just a huge tray of meat, sausages and sauerkraut that they all crowded around like cavemen while I ate my dainty cheese plate. We also had a keg at our table. Is that really necessary? We eventually migrated to an Irish Pub where a lot of the crew had set up camp. I planned on getting to bed at a decent hour, but three hours later I was
taking shots called Brain Tumors. I have no idea what was in them, but I’ll just tell you that it tasted twice as gross as it looks.

After sleeping until noon I was prepared for another day of exploring Kiel. We walked a few miles down by the water and came across a small aquarium. It ended up just being a huge room with different kinds of fish in tanks, but it was fun. We took pictures of all the really creepy alien-like fish that don’t exist in America. After the aquarium it started raining so the night’s activities were limited to getting a bite to eat close by, and getting to bed early.

The next morning was show day, we were up and out of the hotel early, but to make a long story short we were arrived an hour early for load in. So there was a lot of sitting and waiting. I personally took it upon myself to find a comfy couch and take a little morning cat nap.

The show itself was good, as usual. It was our last show in Germany, we drive an hour to Hamburg tonight, check in to a hotel for a good 3 hours of sleep and then we fly to Dublin tomorrow morning to play two shows there. I must say, I loved Germany, but we’ve been here 10 days, and I’m ready to roll. We’ve chartered a 737 to take the crew from Germany to Ireland. What a treat, a private plane. Now this is getting good. I’m indescribably excited to see Ireland. Of all our destinations on this tour, I’m most excited for Ireland. I can’t really say why, maybe I’m just a sucker for a good accent. I’m also waiting to see how many pints of Guinness the boys can get down in 2 days. I should keep a running count. We’ll be taking a tour of the Guinness factory on our second day off in Dublin. This has the potential to get real ugly folks, I’ll keep you updated.



Stevie Nicks

European Tour

JUL 24, 2024
Ovo Hydro
Glasgow, Scotland

SEP 24
Van Andel Arena
Grand Rapids, MI

SEP 28
Hersheypark Stadium
Philadelphia, PA