The band will keep working on new tracks, Stevie Nicks says, ‘If the world does want more music from us’
Fleetwood Mac has some new songs to share — and the band will make more, if fans demand it.
With the classic rockers set to hit the road this spring for their first tour since 2009, the band will play some fresh material, but they’re not ready to bow a new album.
‘Big, long albums don’t seem to be what everybody wants these days,’ Stevie Nicks tells Billboard, noting the extensive promotion she did for 2011 solo set In Your Dreams. ‘So we thought, well, let’s go the other route, because Lindsey [Buckingham] was adamant that we have some new product.’
The group is looking to fit three new songs into the set list, following successful recording sessions at Buckingham’s home, with a digital release for the tracks also planned.
‘Two of them are ones that we cut with John [McVie] and Mick [Fleetwood], and when Stevie got off the road, she came over to my house and sang on those,’ Buckingham says. ‘We had the best time we’d had in years, doing that.’
‘[Let’s] see if the world does want more music from us,’ Nicks adds. ‘If we get that back, if we get that feeling, that they do want another 10 songs, we can reassess.’
But with the band’s iconic Rumours celebrating its 35th birthday with a reissue earlier this year, fans can expect the group to devote plenty of attention on the road to its many hits.
‘We play a body of songs that people have to hear,’ Fleetwood says.
David Greenwald / Billboard / Thursday, February 14, 2013