Home ยป VIDEOS: Fleetwood Mac, Charlotte NC, Time Warner Cable Arena, 6/24/2013

VIDEOS: Fleetwood Mac, Charlotte NC, Time Warner Cable Arena, 6/24/2013

Fleetwood Mac performed at Time Warner Cable Arena in Charlotte, North Carolina on Monday evening, marking the 40th show of the current 2013 North American tour. The band will perform six more shows in the US before taking a two-a-half-month break. The tour will resume in Dublin, Ireland on September 20.


3. Dreams (courtesy of deadhead92582)

7. Tusk (courtesy of Deanna Halbach)

10. Big Love (courtesy of deadhead92582)

10. Big Love (courtesy of iamrorytoo)

11. Landslide (courtesy of gradyryan1)

20. World Turning (courtesy of Timothy Henderson)

21. Don’t Stop (courtesy of deadhead92582)
