Home ยป Fleetwood Mac – Des Moines IA, Wells Fargo Arena, June 26, 2013

Fleetwood Mac – Des Moines IA, Wells Fargo Arena, June 26, 2013

Fleetwood Mac performed its 41st concert of the current North American tour at Wells Fargo Arena in Des Moines, Iowa on Wednesday night.


Special thanks to amp111379, kissfan4lf, Meg Leg, Kevin Oliver, Lynne Petty, rerinn, and wardlowmm for sharing your videos from the show!

Compilation – Dreams, Big Love, Landslide, Stand Back, Go Your Own Way, Don’t Stop (courtesy of Kevin Oliver)

2. The Chain – partial (courtesy of wardlowmm)

5. Rhiannon (courtesy of kissfan4lf)

7. Tusk (courtesy of kissfan4lf)

8. Sisters of the Moon (courtesy of kissfan4lf)

11. Landslide (courtesy of kissfan4lf)

11. Landslide (courtesy of Lynne Petty)

13. Without You (courtesy of amp111379)

14. Gypsy (courtesy of kissfan4lf)

14. Gypsy (courtesy of Meg Leg)

16. Gold Dust Woman (courtesy of kissfan4lf)

18. Stand Back (courtesy of kissfan4lf)

19. Go Your Own Way (courtesy of kissfan4lf)

20. World Turning – Mick’s drum solo only (courtesy of wardlowmm)

Final goodbyes (courtesy of rerinn)
