Soooo much happened on last night’s American Horror Story: Coven…but it’s all sort of trumped by the news that Stevie Nicks is coming to the show! Yes, Misty Day’s idol will be visiting AHS: Coven in a future episode as series co-creator Ryan Murphy announced this week on Twitter. EW talked to Murphy for our exclusive weekly chats about details on Nicks’ appearance as well as the latest Coven episode, “The Axeman Cometh.”
ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: First tell me about how the Stevie Nicks thing happened. She’s actually going to appear?
RYAN MURPHY: She appears as herself. It’s part of Fiona’s ruse in that Fiona is trying to get the true Supreme to reveal herself because she needs to stay alive. So she tells Misty Day that the Supreme gets so many great things in life, like tickets to the Oscars and Met Ball tickets. So she brings Stevie Nicks in as a gift to Misty to prove to her that if she exhibits more power she’ll get that and more. Then the other girls come home and see Stevie and Misty singing and it starts them trying to move much quicker to prove that they are the Supreme.
Do you know when this will happen?
It’s episode 10. It’s right when we come back from winter break. I had a really good conversation with her and explained to her what the show was and it’s gotten such a big reaction from people. She said, “Oh I wish I could be on the show.” But she couldn’t because she was traveling with Fleetwood Mac in Europe but then Mick Fleetwood (actually John McVie) got cancer so they cancelled those dates. Then she called and said, “I’m now available sadly enough. If you wanna use me.” So I said, “Let’s do it!” So she’s flying in for like two days and doing her scenes. I know every person in the show is like, “I better be in that goddamn scene!” It’s funny.
(Editor’s note: Stevie Nicks will be filming her scene this weekend in New Orleans.)
I bet Lily Rabe was freaking out!
She was freaking out. She texted me this morning saying, “Is it true? Is it true?” We’re trying to figure what song she’s going to sing with Misty.
Tonight introduced Danny Huston’s character, The Axeman. So we will see The Axeman and Fiona have an affair?
Yeah he comes back and they have a very sexually charged love affair. It’s a very adult, forgiving love affair. I sort of look at them as the Macbeths. So their Macbethian love story plays out over the rest of the season and of course with the Macbeths what they really want is power. So it’s really about them trying to save not only the coven but themselves and ride off into the sunset together. But the question is: Can they do that?
Grace Gummer (The Newsroom) was one of the vintage Robichaux witches. Will we see her again?
No, she just auditioned. I thought she was terrific.
This episode once again showed Zoe turning more strong and confident and maybe dark. Is she going more dark?
I think all of them are going dark. In this episode, you’ve got Zoe really dark, you’ve got Queenie really dark, I think you’re gonna see Nan getting really dark, and Madison comes back incredibly dark. Misty Day is the only one so far who hasn’t gone dark but she needs to.
She’s got edge.
She’s edgy but I think she has a kinder heart than all the rest of them.
Madison is resurrected and next week is a big episode for her. She can’t seem to find anything to make her feel alive.
Yes it’s sort of like she’s dead and she can’t feel anything so we’re really are making a leap and saying she’s a poster person for the millennial generation. Unsatisfied. Entitled. Nothing makes them happy. She’s been on the other side and in her mind there’s nothing. So more than ever she really just realizes that the only way to exist is to satisfy all of your urges instantly. So she was deadly before but now she’s even more deadly. Of course she has to get her revenge on Fiona.
Marie has hired Hank to hunt down the Salem witches. Will we see how they first met?
And will Cordelia learn the truth about Hank’s identity?
Oh yes. It has to come out at some point.
Obviously, Spalding has been caught and tortured by the girls. What’s next for him?
The Spalding story is obviously he’s crossed a line. He didn’t kill Madison but what he did to defile her body. So the girls find that out and have to take revenge on him. They have to make him pay for his dastardly necrophilia and bad fashion outfits.
Will Kyle ever get to speak?
What else can you say about next week’s “The Dead?”
That I think is a very meditative episode. It’s very much about Madison and Zoe and Kyle. There’s a lot of great stuff about Queenie and Marie Laveaux and the unexpected friendship with LaLaurie. We dwell a lot on characters in that episode who are dead and are brought back and what their inner lives are and what their futures are.

Tim Stack / Entertainment Weekly / Tuesday, November 14, 2013