Stevie shared an old poem by Lord Byron, “When We Two Parted,” when she accepted her Pop Icon last night at BMI Pop Awards ceremony. Stevie also shared a photo of herself from her early years, which can been seen at the bottom of the poem. She also brought the Goya guitar, on which she has written many songs, that her late parents presented to her for her 16th birthday. Stevie told the audience how these personal effects inspired her to write songs.
Here is a transcription of the Lord Byron poem that appears in the above picture. Stevie omitted and changed some lines from the original poem to adapt it to her style.
When we two parted
In love and in tears
Half-broken hearted
Too severe for our years
Pale grew your cheeks and
Colder your kiss
Truly it foretold
Sorrow – like this.
In love we met
In silence I grieve
That my heart would forget
My spirit deceive
If I should meet thee
After long years –
How should I greet thee…
In silence and tears?
Written by
Stevie Nicks…
(The rest of the picture is obstructed and presumably mentions Lord Byron.)