Home » Bret Michaels sets record straight on Stevie Nicks

Bret Michaels sets record straight on Stevie Nicks

Poison‘s Bret Michaels appeared on today’s episode of CBS’ The Talk to promote his new book AUTO-SCRAP-OGRAPHY: My Life’s Scrapbook in Pictures and Stories.

Stevie and Bret go back to the recording “Love’s a Hard Game to Play,” a single from Stevie’s 1991 best-of album Timespace. Bret eloquently dispelled the rumor that he and Stevie had a fling, when The Talk co-host Sheryl Underwood asked him if he had showed Stevie his “Rock of Love” and if they had done the “unskinny bop.”


Here’s the excerpt from Bret’s book about his working relationship with Stevie:

Love’s a Hard Game to Play

“Sometimes in life you have moments that stop you in your tracks. Moments that leave a memory that will never be forgotten.

“One of those moments for me was when I worked with the incredible Stevie Nicks on a song for her greatest hits album Timespace. I had the opportunity to sit down and play her a song I had co-written with friends called “Love’s a Hard Game to Play.” I found it difficult at times to write for other artists, and to put myself in their shoes so to speak. I have to write authentically, it’s the only way that works for me. Afterwards, if I felt the song was a good fit for someone, I would allow someone else to record it. It was rare that this happened as it had to be just the right situation for me to hand over a song. It was an honor to have Stevie not only record my song but allow me to produce it as well.

The album was a greatest hits collection and included a few new tracks, one of those written by Jon Bon Jovi and the one I collaborated with her on.

In the liner notes of that album Stevie wrote:

This song was just brought to me barely 2 weeks ago by a most extraordinary young man. One of those men who has everything — beauty, sensibility, warmth, and a love for life that I had not seen in a long time.”
