Category - Mick Fleetwood

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Tall Stories

On the eve of Fleetwood Mac’s UK tour to celebrate the 35th anniversary of their astonishing 40-million-selling album Rumours, we catch up with drummer Mick Fleetwood to find out how the band survived drink, drugs and...

Mick Fleetwood: ‘Rumours is who we are’

With their 35-year-old album back in the charts, the Fleetwood Mac drummer Mick Fleetwood talks to Neil McCormick about its stormy story and long legacy. ‘It’s good therapy,” says Mick Fleetwood, settling back to talk...

Fleetwood deal

Mick Fleetwood, one of the founders of Fleetwood Mac, has signed a deal to create new music programing for the RCA videodisc system. The drummer also appears on three discs, including an October release of his first...