Stevie re-records ‘Gypsy’ for Netflix drama

Stevie has recorded a brand new version of her Fleetwood Mac classic “Gypsy” for the Netflix thriller of the same name, starring Naomi Watts.
Read the story behind the new version at EW.

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Fleetwood Mac

Lucky Fleetwood Mac fan jet sets

For Randy Lane, an out-of-work laborer in Toledo, Ohio, one day had passed much like another since he was laid off last February. But all that changed a few weeks back when a sleek black limo pulled into the blue-collar...

Fleetwood Mac Stevie Nicks screen cap

Stevie Nicks recovering from the flu

Stevie Nicks, vocalist with Fleetwood Mac and one of rock music’s top sex symbols, is recuperating from a bout with the flu at her parent’s home in Phoenix, a spokesman said Thursday. Miss Nicks’...

Fleetwood Mac: Where’s Stevie?

FANTASY ISLAND, Ca. – On the kitchen table in Mick Fleetwood’s Malibu mansion sits a model of the stage design for Fleetwood Mac’s upcoming American tour. In between the tiny amplifiers, drums and pianos stand cardboard...