(Photo: Mark Davis)
Home ยป REVIEW: Fleetwood Mac forced to end Lincoln show early

REVIEW: Fleetwood Mac forced to end Lincoln show early

Fleetwood Mac had to call its set early.

Drummer and founding member Mick Fleetwood came down with an unexplained illness, and the band played as much as it could before members called it a night.

Mark Davis
Mark Davis

“Mick is really sick. We don’t know exactly what to do,” Stevie Nicks said, adding that he suddenly became ill and was throwing up.

The band, set to play more than two hours, called off eight of its songs and finished the show with “Go Your Own Way” and “Songbird” almost an hour early.

“We will come back,” Nicks said. You’ll get one and a half full-on shows. We will come back. We’re so sorry.”

“It’s really unfortunate,” added Lindsey Buckingham. “We’re really sorry, guys.”

Mark Davis
Mark Davis

Kevin Coffey / Omaha World-Herald / Saturday, January 17, 2015
