By Jamie Hall / Edmonton Journal (Canada)
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
EDMONTON — Rumour Lescure sounds pretty confident when she tells you she’s the only little girl in the “whole wide world” named after the Fleetwood Mac album, Rumours.
It’s a hard point to argue. The 10-year-old’s love of all things Fleetwood Mac — and all things Stevie Nicks — actually began in utero, and explains her off-the-charts excitement at getting the chance to see the band perform live at Rexall Place Wednesday, May 15.
“It’s going to be soooo much fun,” she trills over the phone from Millet, where her family lives.
Mom Sherry “got hooked” on Nicks and the band when she was about her daughter’s age, a musical fixation she has passed down to her entire brood.
“They were all brought up on Stevie, and on Fleetwood Mac,” says Sherry.
She saw the band perform for the first time almost 23 years ago, with husband Simon. They had front-row seats, and she was heavily pregnant with their first-born, which turned out to be a girl.
Her name? Rhiannon, after Sherry’s favourite Fleetwood Mac song.
“My husband and I had a deal; I could name the girls and he could name the boys,” says Sherry.
(The couple also has two sons; Bret, 12, is named after Bret “The Hitman” Hart, while Morgan-Kiefer is named after the couple’s combined love of horses, and of actor Kiefer Sutherland.)
Rumour, meanwhile, has never seen the band perform live, so this will be a first.
She has seen Nicks, though — she has even met her before.
Two years ago, when she was eight, her parents were the successful bidders in an online charity auction that offered a backstage meet ’n’ greet with Nicks in Phoenix.
Mother and daughter were equally star-struck during their brief encounter with the superstar, and remember little of what was said. Rumour does remember giving Nicks a drawing, and a jewelry box she made specially for her.
“It went very quickly,” says Sherry. “We just exchanged pleasantries. I remember she was very gracious.”
They do have a photograph of themselves with Nicks, though — and a story to last a lifetime.
Prior to the concert, the trio was approached by a filmmaker who told then he was interviewing diehard fans for his documentary about Nicks. They happily obliged.
In Your Dreams was released recently, and on the weekend was shown at Edmonton’s Metro Cinema. Needless to say, the Lescure family drove in for a night at the movies. They drove home with a tiny, giddy star in the back seat. Rumour was among the fan faithful whose images flashed across the big screen.
Pretty heady stuff.
And on May 15 she gets to see the band and hopes they’ll sing “Go Your Own Way,” her favourite song from the Rumours album.
“This is all so exciting for me,” Rumour says. “Very, very exciting.”
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