Category - Street Angel (1994)

Home » Street Angel (1994)

For Greta

Stevie Nicks has often felt that Greta Garbo desire to be alone. On her latest album, Nicks wrote the song “Greta” just for her. ”I have often thought, maybe I’ll just go paint, or maybe I’ll go and...

Stevie Nicks

Stevie Nicks, now a solo act

Thinking about tomorrow Stevie Nicks, now a solo act, sees her music as her life Stevie Nicks can’t stop thinking about the things she’s given up to make music. Because she stayed in Fleetwood Mac for 18...

Q&A: Stevie Nicks

Sitting comfortably in her Tucson, Ariz., house with a stunning view of the mountains in the distance, we talked to ’70s rock icon Stevie Nicks, who’s back in the public eye with her new album, Street Angel...

Stevie Nicks

ALBUM REVIEW: Nicks' hip return

STREET ANGEL Stevie Nicks Modern/Atlantic Records Stevie Nicks has been in rock so long, she’s due for a kitschy comeback of backhanded hipness. With all the ethereal females fronting rock bands these days, the...


ROCK & ROLL Sarah McLachlan Her music reminds me of old San Francisco stuff — of bands that played the Fillmore, Winterland and Avalon Ballroom. She also reminds me of Janis Joplin, though she doesn’t...

Stevie Nicks

ALBUM REVIEW: Stevie Nicks, Street Angel

★★★ Street Angel – Stevie Nicks Modern Records/Atlantic Running time: 57:34, 13 tracks If Steve Nicks’ new album is an indication, she made a good move severing her ties with Fleetwood Mac. Street Angel is...